Entrepreneurs and managers need a digital mindset, a Digital Code, to be just as successful in the future as they are today not only in order to grow but to secure the attractiveness for the capital market to finance the business expansion at low interest on capital.
Digital technologies change the way of production (Keyword: Additive Production), communication
(Keyword: immersive Reality), shopping behavior (Keyword: virtual Shopping), digital marketing (Keyword: data driven marketing), the way to create organisations (Keyword: holocracy) and the speed of development which increases according to Moores’ law exponentially.
Business and social interaction merge on digital platforms. The possession of smartphones and the constant availability of wireless Lan access are more important to the young Generation Z than owning a car. Sustainability and the ability to borrow products and services for a limited time will become the main benefit for an attractive product, service or brand offer.

The future market will be determined by V‑U‑C‑A factors such as unpredictability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity and speed.
Coopetition, the rapid development of ideas and standards together with the competitor that are tested with unready solutions known as MVPs Minimum Viable Products while only marketing and branding serves differentiate, is one of these new future strategies.
Business strategies therefore increasingly follow new rules: data, speed and the collecting of demand by smartly digitally programmed platforms. Those entrepreneurs do not own the production or buy the physical products. According to these business models like Arbnb, Uber or Flixbus simply digital data or information count at least as much as the old production factors like work, land
and capital. In addition, sustainability and the possibility to borrow (sharing economy) as well as individualization become the main benefit and standard of an appealing offer.
Business leaders who intend to be successful in 5 years must develop, layout, think and live with an overall Digital CODE. A digital culture needs to get established as ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’ as Peter Drucker the famous Management consultant already stated in the 70 ties. To achieve that status a constant and overall curiosity has to be the main attitude of tomorrows leader.

In these news blogs we will inform you about topics such as business and brand strategy, digital transformation and coaching.


Digitized business strategy
„You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology.“ – Steve Jobs, Apple
For us, business strategy advice begins with review of the issue like in medicine!
We take a snapshot of Your business and compare it to competitive factors and performances , but also elaborate what circumstances of which You are not aware of that could influence or threaten your business in the near future. Our purpose is to increase Your Brand ROI by monitoring what Your advertsing and promotion investment really ads to Your brand value. We look outside the box and observe industries that could be a catalyst for Your business. Then we create Your individual risk profile. Based on the risk profile, a strategic plan, a roadmap or business model canvas like Alex Osterwalder called, will be developed, which particularly includes innovative strength, digitalization ability and sustainability, but also points out threats. For example, many companies still do not have an omni-channel offer, i.e. offering products, services or brands in physical retail and on their own or third-party web shops. Basically, more and more consumers are wondering why products have to be owned instead of borrowing or sharing, the offer is not brought home.
This in turn means that, for example, the physical trade has to expand its offer to an experience purchase with high quality advice. Placing huge racks or dozens of products of the same use (variety) is reserved for the low price discounters. What matters is authenticity, individuality, experience, ‘shop the impression’. Our strategy approach follows the philosophy of Prof. Dr. David Rodgers, The Digital Transformation Playbook, one of the leading experts in developing forward-looking business strategies. We also recommend how to implement the roadmap in regards to other management functions such as to how the organization should look like, how marketing and sales should be targeted, spending should be refocused to achieve an increased Marketing ROI and the total organsiation as such communicates clear and more transparent and acts with better agility.

Brand Management Advice
„People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.“ – Theodore Levitt, Harvard Professor
„Products are made in the factory but brands are made in the mind.“ – Walter Landor, Brand Designer
„Your brand is what people talk about You when you are out of the room.“ – Jeff Bezos, Amazon
We determine the strength of your brand and its status particularly in relation to the risk of brand erosion, from a consumers and customers point of view using various criteria. More and more brands without clear and contemporary positioning are caught in a downward vortex of so-called brand erosion. If brands do not create a contemporary culture to educate consumers to belong to, the product itself or the price comes into the center of the competition and will be easily attacked by low-price leaders. Or brands are subject to the spread between contradicting target groups such as baby boomers or Generation Z. Where to advertise and how? Our consulting philosophy follows the idea of the GOLDEN CIRCLE philosphy of the American Management Professor Simon Sinek, author of the famous book, ‘Start with Why’, ‘People don’t buy what you do, The buy why you do it’. Simon Sinek uses a model called The Golden Circle to explain how legendary leaders were able to inspire people to act. It is the framework for the WHY. Simon Sinek uses a model called The Golden Corcle to explain how legendary brands, leaders and organisations are able to attract and inspire people to act (purchase, adore, become a fan). It is the framework for his so called WHY analysis.

Agile Coaching / Training
„It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one that is most likely to adapt to change.“ – Charles Darwin
Every change is preceded by a change of attitude.
We support managers as sparring partners discreetly in times of the digital tsunami, either through
personal 1-2-1 meetings at locations of your choice (golf courses included ) or via a secure video call with Zoom, Team or Skype to which we invite you . To kick off a new financial year or to roll out an updated strategy we will support You by training Your teams by exciting impulse workshops, either on site or with easy-to-use video call software. Change will only happen if leaders and the team understand and live the attitude for change ( agility ) and internalize a DIGITAL DNA of their thinking and acting . Such an attitude helps in cases when unpredictable events so called Black Swans happen and show up on the market place literally over night. We are happy to enforce You with training courses from A for Agility through D for Design Thinking to Scrum.

Keynotes / Speaker
With keynote presentations on brand strategy or the use of digital thinking / digital change or on the subject of what leadership means, company events get the right mood to kick-off and to excite teams on what’s coming next. The following subjects are currently availabe (individual requests are welcome):
And The Winner Takes It All. Market Strategies In Times Of Digital Change And Distribution Or Why Traditional Companies Have Difficulties To Start With The Digital Transformation
Kill Your Darlings Before They Kill You. Challenges Of The Digital Change On Existing Business Models
Agile Management. Why Now And How?
How Managers In Media Business Cope With The Digital Change
Customer Excitement And Loyalty Along The Customer Journey
Brand Strategy And Brand Architecture – Essentials To Run A Successful Brand Management
The Global Brand. What It Is And How To Create

Non Executive Advisory
Dr. Andreas Kelz is also available as a certified non – executive advisory board member as part of the strategic realignment.

Business Angel / Start Up Advisor
The Digital Code supports young start-up entrepreneurs with the necessary structure, organization and communication guidance to quickly achieve economies of scale.
We speak the language of Rapid Prototyping, Innovative Design Thinking and the creation MVP Innovations.

TDC is a modern, future-oriented consultancy that works digitally, virtually or with coworking spaces in the metropolitan areas.
THE DIGITAL CODE is a boutique advisory company and cooperates in an international network of independent professionals in Germany, Spain, Sweden and the United States.

The Digital Code was developed by Dr. Andreas Kelz.
His experience is derived from more than 30 years of experience as CEO and leading positions in marketing, sales, product and innovation development at international consumer goods and media companies such as Henkel KGaA, Coty Beauty, Allied Domecq (Jim Beam), Paramount Pictures / Viacom CBS ab.
From 2013 to 2016 he set up the digital business for a US filmcompany in GSA. He is the famous author of the book ‘World Brands – Why and How?’
Andreas Kelz acted as Business Angel for BestMoments.com for almost 10 years. He has been on the board of directors of the legendary Danish film company Scanbox.
